Who we are

meeting in 2020
Marion Houssin and Garance Laporte, the partners, have brought their skills to various fields: from art history to the production and curatorship of exhibitions, from logistics to communication, from public relations to event planning. The former grew up in northern France, the latter in the southwest. Both passed through Paris, but it was in Venice that they met, discovering, in the course of their conversations, the same desire to undertake and to share their passion for art.
January 2020
Meeting in Venice, birth of the idea of the gallery
March 2021
Gallery launch
After a year of reflection and work, we open the gallery
October 2021 - september 2022
traveling exhibitions in VENICE
We met Venetians and passers-by in the different sestieri of Venice and in 2022 large cities in the Veneto region.
April 2023
After a year of traveling exhibition, we settle down in our gallery in Venice
April 2024
First artistic residency
We received Jean Mallard in Venice for the first artistic residency in collaboration with the Lama Farfalla studio.
- January 24 : Guide Cartoville, Ed. Gallimard Loisirs
- February 24 : Arte.it Mostra NOWISEEBEESIWON: Ugo Carmeni & Michele Bubacco
- March 24 : Corriere della Sera Milano, Mostra Cézanne/Renoir al Palazzo Reale (Collaborazione con la casa editrice Skira).
- March 24 : Podcast Monica Cesarato Venice Talks (in English)
- April 23 : Artribune : Apre a Venezia la galleria Garance & Marion, tutta dedicata alle arti grafiche
- May 23 : InTime, Pagina shopping (page 55)
- November 23: Le Routard Venise, edition 2024
- November 23 : Ali di Firenze, intervista su Instagram (in francese)
- December 23 : Le quotidien de l'art, ed. 2739 : Venise, terre promise des galeries ?
- February 22 : Buone Notizie, Arte a km 0 per far ripartire Venezia: la scommessa di due ragazze francesi
- July 22 Live Venice : Le gallerie di Venezia, grandi nomi e talenti emergenti in città.
- September 22 : Artribune - Mostra a Treviso
- September 22 : Treviso Today - Mostra a Treviso
- September 22 : InTime - Arrivals (pagina 17)
- December 22 : Naturally Epicurean : Garance & Marion: an art gallery of new genera

IN 2024
Abbiamo collaborato con
Cannaregio 4590, 30121 Venice
- Monday-Tuesday, closed
- Wednesday to Sunday, 11am to 7pm