ART NIGHT 2022 EVENING : Art km 0, dialogue between two young gallerists and a screen-printing craftsman

Yesterday was held the evening of art Night in Venice. On this occasion, Fallani invited us to talk about the gallery in his screen printing workshop. It was the perfect moment to tell our story and underline the importance of our collaboration between screen-printing craftsman, artists and gallery owners. We also talked about choosing to start with traveling exhibitions, before of course having our own space in Venice by the end of the year.

We wanted to thank Gianpaolo Fallani for inviting us, Gabriel Cascioferro for animating the evening with dynamism, the artists Mattia Riami, Nina Fuga and Mattia Caracciolo for communicating their passion, to Chiara Masiero Sgrinzatto for her invaluable help, to Francesca Rizzi of sullaluna, bristrot-Library for kindly offering us the Toast and to the audience present last night.

See you next year, meanwhile, some photos from the evening below.

Marion Houssin and Garance Laporte at Fallani

Mattia Riami, Nina Fuga and Mattia Caracciolo, the artists of the gallery

The silk-screen printing phases of a work

Mattia Riami, Marion Houssin, Mattia Caracciolo, Garance Laporte,

Chiara Masiero Sgrinzatto, Nina Fuga and Gabriel Cascioferro